Regenerative Communities (Regenerative Series)
Regenerative Communities
COMMUNITY: Regenerative Community
DATE: March 10th 2020
Michelle Holliday | Thrivability Maven
Servane Mouazan | CEO of Ogunte
Ben Haggard | Director of Educational Programs, Regenesis Institute for Sustainable Communities
Jodie Harburt | Change Practitioner
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More about the Speakers:
Ben Haggard
Ben is a co-founder of the Regenesis Group, which has spent the last 24 years exploring the theory and practice of Regenerative Development. He is the co-author of the book, Regenerative Development and Design and a faculty member of the Regenesis Institute. When he isn’t traveling, Ben divides his time between Santa Fe, New Mexico and Berlin, Germany.
Jodie Harburt
Jodie Harburt is a spatial designer, builder, artist, mother and more, based in Istanbul Turkey.
Having worked for two decades designing and building spaces, she now holds space for an emerging collective capability to nurture, heal and thrive.
Presently working on various scales she is both a consultant for a large city expansion project while also story telling with groups of children to help them bond with nature.
Jodie hosts Circle, talks and workshops on Zero Waste and Conscious Living at schools, businesses and within the community to collectively rise to the social and planetary challenges of our times.
Servane Mouazan
Servane is passionate about co-designing life-centred programmes and strategies with communities and social/green businesses around the world.
Servane has specifically acquired a deep experience connecting, advocating and amplifying the impact of thousands of women leaders in the social economy and put women-led social entrepreneurship on the map.
Her experience as a BCorp leader – through Ogunte CIC, a systems practice facilitator, a certified coach and conscious innovation advisor to social businesses leaders, and her ability to motivate, stimulate, convene, and develop global practitioners across sectors, enable her to help people at diverse levels co-design experiences, social change programmes and investment actions, that transform people's world.
Michelle Holliday
Michelle is a consultant, facilitator, author and researcher. Her work centers around “thrivability” — a set of perspectives and practices based on a view of organizations and communities as dynamic, self-organizing living systems. With this understanding, we recognize that we can create the fertile conditions for life to thrive at every level – for individuals, for organizations as living ecosystems, for customers, community and biosphere. To that end, she brings people together and helps them discover ways they can feel more alive, connect more meaningfully with each other, and serve life more powerfully and effectively through their collective action. In other words, she invites people into the informed intention and practice of stewarding life.
Collective Intelligence
Additional resources and information shared during this exploration.
Regenesis Website (Ben's work):
Renée Lertzman - How to turn Climate Anxiety into action
Multitude of Ones (Jodie's work):
Ogunte (Servane's work):
Michelle Holliday shared the blog Measuring Thrivability.
"In the discussion of how to fund regenerative projects, Servane mentioned that there are many funds and funders looking for regenerative projects. And I brought up the exploration of how to measure thrivability/regeneration.
One answer, as I describe in the article in the link above, is: What’s the level of attractiveness? Thriving organizations have magnetism. Are we attracting money, people, energy?
In other words, the way you fund a regenerative project is to make sure it's truly regenerative. Then the money will flow in, because as Ben said, it will be apparent that this is what needs to happen in this place; this has clear value. "
- Michelle Holliday
Ben Haggard: Reaching for Regeneration -
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